Helicopter Stories Tales

This programme contains three videos of Trisha Lee reading from her Helicopter Stories Tales picture books. The picture books are included in the price, and will be sent by post, when you purchase this programme.

The Helicopter Stories Tales series consists of three beautifully illustrated picture books that bring to life the magic of Storytelling and Story Acting. This programme contains videos of Trisha Lee, reading these stories, alongside copies of the three books. These videos are a great way to share these stories with your children.

The picture books will be sent by post, when you purchase this programme. Each picture book also contains teacher’s notes with suggestions on how to explore the issues raised in the stories.

Postage within the UK is included in the price, and for all other countries please email info@helicopterstories.co.uk as we will need to invoice you for the additional postage.

I Can’t Remember

Ella O’Connor desperately wants to tell a story, but every time she opens her mouth, the words disappear.  Will she ever discover the joy of becoming a storyteller and unlock the secret that ideas and stories can be found everywhere?

It’s Not Fair

Marta doesn’t want Noah in her story. She wants her friend Shamika. Ms Fable says they have to take it in turns, but Marta doesn’t think that is fair. When Noah becomes upset because of how Marta is behaving, she begins to realise that playing with other children can open up a whole load of fun she had never imagined possible…

It’s Only Pretend

Ollie really wants to play a princess in Ariana’s story. He stops, confused, when some of the other boys laugh. But when Noah, the new boy, refuses to take any notice of the laughter, Oliver discovers that there is another way…

Not Enrolled

Programme Includes

  • 3 Lessons

Ratings and Reviews

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Debby Thacker
Posted 1 year ago
New way of understanding the power of Helicopter Stories

These stories are perfect for getting children and adults to think about how much we can learn about ourselves and the children in our lives through story. The pictures contribute a rich and colourful backdrop, so we recognise how the stories make imaginations come alive.

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