“This project has shone as a beacon of hope for everyone connected with young children and captured the imagination of so many because it’s simple, yet effective.”
Gail Alder, Early Years Advisor, North Somerset
The Need:
Many children in North Somerset arrive at preschool with lower than expected communication and language skills. This has been exasperated by the pandemic. Early Years Advisor Gail Alder was keen to bridge the gap for these children. She had always been an advocate of sharing poetry and rhymes with young children, and was looking for something she could roll out across the whole county.
What They Did:
When Gail heard about The Poetry Basket, she realised that it had the potential to grab the attention of her local authority. Reviving the mantra that it takes a village to raise a child, Gail decided to introduce The Poetry Basket to the whole county. Anyone who worked with children aged 0-5 was encouraged to get involved, from Preschools, Reception and Year 1, to childminders and volunteers working with vulnerable families. Everyone was included.
The Results:
The Poetry Basket has had a direct impact on children’s language development. The county-wide roll out means poetry is celebrated within the early years. Sharing poetry can be difficult for some practitioners, but The Poetry Basket has offered a way in for everyone. With daily repetition, children are able to recite whole poems and ask for specific poems by name. The children’s interest in particular poems often encouraged fascinations and interests in related subjects, which settings were then able to explore further. The local authority has received positive feedback, with both childminders and schools praised for their use of poetry within recent Ofsted reports.
The Poetry Basket
The Poetry Basket includes 36 lesser-known children’s rhymes from anonymous authors and follows the seasons of the year.
Suitable for Teachers, Early Years Practitioners, Parents and Carers of children aged 2 to 7.
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